The (Audio) User Experience

Designing a high quality Audio User Experience requires a holistic view of the journey that a user may take with a product and throughout a platform as well as the technology and tools required to deliver the audio for that experience.

What is Audio User Experience?

The AUX, which stands for “Audio User Experience”, is how users feel, think, and behave when interacting with and experiencing audio content, a product, or systems. Designing the AUX requires special attention paid to the intersection of audio with other aspects of the user experience, such as visual elements and interactions. 

Audio UX for Spatial Computing

Audio user experience design goes beyond designing the sounds that play when a user interacts with an interface or how audio is spatialized in a virtual reality experience. It is the totality of design choices that leverage technology to guide and react to inputs from users, their world (virtual and physical), and any applications with which they are interacting. It’s how sound is delivered to users and why.

High Quality Content Demands High Quality AUX

High quality audio content goes a long way towards creating a quality audio user experience, but spatial computing and embodied experiences need more than the content alone can accomplish. And your high quality audio content deserves more; it deserves to be part of an experience where it feels natural and feels like an extension of the user and the space which they are in. It deserves a high quality audio user experience design. 

Benefits of a High Quality Audio UX

Optimize and supercharge your overall user experience design process with an audio UX that elevates your brand recognition and gives you a competitive advantage by setting your product or experience apart in a sea of products without audio UX design, all while supporting product design goals.

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